- 2021-01-01 AIPA.2.0.1 tested on PLESK Obsidian
- 2020-10-30 AIPA 2.0.1 minor improvements
- 2020-03-06 AIPA 2.0.0 AbuseIPdb.com JSON API V2. PHP 7.1 and 7.2 compatible.
- 2017-06-14 AIPA 1.0.7 (MyIP.ms used instead of openbl.org)
- 2017-02-27 AIPA 1.0.6 (run with one command ./aipa.run)
- 2016-12-27 AIPA 1.0.5 (Increase abuseipdb.com query limit with account regular API KEYs rotation.)
- 2016-12-08 AIPA 1.0.4 (LazyUpdater optimize local database. AIPA is more efficient.)
- 2016-10-20 AIPA 1.0.3 (PLESK Onyx Ubuntu compatible, skip local area
- 2016-08-07 AIPA 1.0.2 (Improvements of reloading Apache configuration)
- 2016-07-23 AIPA 1.0.1 (ionCube encoding, fix of openBL db creation on first run)
- 2016-06-13 AIPA 1.0.0 (Corrected behavior on first run - OpenBL serialized db error)
- 2016-06-13 AIPA 0.9.9 (ModSecurity blocklist and whitelist. Block with use of modsecurity SecRule's)
- 2016-06-02 AIPA 0.9.8 (OpenBL.org scoring, whitelisting from file)
- 2016-05-24 AIPA 0.9.7 (check multiple DNS responses in one query, corrected response interpretation)
- 2016-05-21 AIPA 0.9.6 (double check, include blocklist.de)
- 2016-05-18 AIPA 0.9.5 (whitelisting)
- 2016-05-17 AIPA 0.9.4 (new json API included)
- 2016-05-16 AIPA 0.9.3 (last stable with old AbuseIPdb xml API interface)
- 2016-05-15 AIPA 0.9.2
- 2016-05-14 AIPA 0.9
- 2016-05-11 AIPA 0.8
- 2016-05-10 AIPA 0.7
- 2016-05-01 AIPA 0.6
- 2016-04-28 AIPA 0.5
- 2016-04-27 AIPA 0.4
- 2016-04-26 AIPA 0.3
- 2016-04-25 AIPA 0.2
- 2016-04-24 AIPA 0.1